The One Word To Guide Your Social Media Philosophy

If you had to pick one word to define your philosophy towards social media, what would it be?

This isn’t an easy question to answer. Social media plays a lot of roles within an organization. It’s complicated, multifaceted and often subjective.

But these complications make it important to understand your social media philosophy. After thinking about this question, there is one word that keeps coming to mind: Deliberate.

Being deliberate is about leading with intention. It means staying true to your what, why and when. And in this age of instant gratification, deliberate work is even more important.

Social media marketers have a tough job. There are expectations to be strategic, but swift. Plan, but be nimble. Be human, but remain on brand. Push, but build a community. Have fun, but drive business results. It is the ultimate juggling.

It’s easy to get caught focus on the wrong things when juggling it all. Social media lends itself to quick wins and reckless tactics. It’s easy to chase engagement, regardless of whether it’s right for the brand.

To win this ultimate juggling act and do right by the brands we work for, we have to be deliberate. We have set a strategy and brand point-of-view and stick to it. We have to understand that our jobs aren’t defined by likes and retweets, but how we move the needle for the organization. It’s about purpose. And driving purpose for the brand.

There are many ways to win attention in social media. But it’s the brands that tell their story in authentic ways and approach it with a strategic frame of mind that win in the long run.

So as you think about your philosophy in social, think about how to be deliberate. Be deliberate in your execution. Be deliberate with how you tell your story. Be deliberate with your brand. At the end of the day, it’s not the number of likes and retweets that matter, but the ability to drive back organizational strategies and goals.

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